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Introvert- Needs time alone to recharge; prefers small intimate groups; values personal space; thinks before acting; internally motivated; reserved; difficult to know; observant

Sensing-  Concerned with the present; objective thinkers who notice physical details; memory recalls facts and past experiences;  likes clear and concrete facts; linear thinkers who put things in order as they experience them

Thinking- Analytical of data; relies on facts and data to make decisions; uses objective and critical thought processes; accepts interpersonal conflict as a natural part of fact-based and analytical decision making; understands tasks required to accomplish goals

Judgement- Predictable; enjoys routine and structure; task and action oriented; planner; detail oriented and organized


Queen Elizabth II  |  Natalie Portman  |  Mike

Krzyzewski  |  Jeff Bezos  |  Robet De Niro  |

Pope Benedict XVI  |  Sigmund Freud  |  Seve

rus Snape  |  George Washington  |  Harry S

Truman  |  Julia Roberts  |  John D Rockefell

er  |  George H W Bush  |  Evander Holyfield  |  Gary Sinise  |  George Strait  |  Martin Heid

egger  |  Ron Swanson  |  Mitt Romney  |  Co

ndoleezza Rice  |  Henry Ford  |  Thomas, Ap

ostle of Jesus  |  John Malkovich  |  Martina

McBride  |  Thomas Hobbes  |  Benjamin Har

rison  |  Mr. Carson  |  Denzel Washington



These no-nonsense people are traditional, highly organized and love to stick to the facts.  All information is well-sorted and categorized in their minds, and they firmly believe that everyone should follow the rules.  Those who break them or question the status quo will quickly lose their respect.  They quickly observe the situation or information and apply logical and rational thought to reach conclusions, which they will precisely enact with confidence and high efficiency.  They are honest and fair in all of their dealings. Because their thinking is fact based, they will not give in to emotional pleas or manipulation.  They are very well organized, love to create structure, and are firm authoritarians.  Deadlines, schedules, and task lists are incredibly valuable, and they will often work ceaselessly to finish a task, even at the risk of their own health.  Family is important and revolves around traditional gender roles, as well as structure, honesty, and clear expectations, with relationships built around an appreciation of daily duties and routines.  Friendships are usually with like-minded people who follow through on their promises, and conversation typically revolves around family, work, home life, and current events, over theories.  Like most Sentinels, they are highly traditional and enjoy a place of authority where they can manage others, ensure the rules are followed, and get necessary tasks done as quickly as possible.  They are deeply devoted and loyal, cherishing stability and a predictable environment.

Design Ideas

Homes with logical and well thought-out plans suit them well.  They enjoy traditional designs, furnishings, with cool colors, calm patterns, and a simple, concise concept.  Mixing styles or bold patterns can cause anxiety as they struggle to find the connection.

Decorate the walls with realistic art depicting nature in landscapes and florals, as well as street scenes.

Organization, systems, and order are key.  There should be a place for everything as well as a control center for the family, where all schedules and task lists are clearly visible.  

Create an overall design plan with to-scale drawings and images of everything you have selected.  This is key for the ISTJ, because there's comfort in knowing that all items will fit and your designs make sense when combined together.  

ISTJ Design Ideas

Budget planning is easier when all items are known and accounted for, including shipping fees and taxes.  Invest in important items, like the sofa, occasional chairs, and dining chairs, to ensure they will last and that it's money well spent.  Research average prices in mid-level stores, like Crate & Barrel, West Elm, and Pottery Barn to get an idea of practical costs.  Online stores like Overstock and Wayfair emphasize lower end pieces that will not hold up well, and of course, read user reviews.

Home is incredibly important, and ISTJs take a lot of pride in keeping it beautiful with regular maintenance and improvements.  A well-organized garage with space for lawn and garden tools, as well as a work bench, will make these tasks even more enjoyable.  

Family time is invaluable.  A formal dining room for weekly, if not daily, meals together is important, as is a separate space for the TV and time to relax, after all chores and homework are completed.

As introverts, ISTJs need time alone, which they often use to finish work, plan events, and research whatever information they need to make decisions.  A traditional office with a nice desk and proper filing space will do them well.  A large window with a view of the garden and plenty of light will inspire them and keep them energized.

Creative spaces are a plus, too, because ISTJs aren't the type to sit and relax with nothing to do.  They often enjoy action aspects of creativity and like to use patterns; needlepoint, knitting, throwing pottery, or sewing is a wonderful way for them to express themselves.  A private space to do this will enable them to recharge while creating beautiful items for the home.

Pinterest boards are included to help illustrate design ideas, but everyone has different tastes and styles, and we create custom concepts for all of our clients.  

Working with Home Professionals

ISTJs trust what they see and know and like predictable results.  When it comes to home design, they are not likely to take risks and will prefer to create a home that follows a trend or style of design that they enjoy.  They will have a clear understanding of their needs, as well as their preferred style, giving their designer plenty of images that support what they are looking for in their home.  It is important that they express this to their designer, whose skills and experience will be best used in adapting it into their specific home instead of working to create something different and unusual.  Their creativity can be used to dig deeper into a specific style or trend to put their client's personal imprint on it.  Their practical knowledge of furniture resources, systems, construction, and the steps needed to create their ideal home will be very much appreciated.  ISTJs should have a frank discussion about realistic time-frames for design work and understand that it is more than simple tasks.  This will help to develop a schedule and time-frame that enables their designer time to do the work as well as set expectations for the client.  It's also recommended that ISTJs research current furniture pricing so they have a solid understanding of pricing and can work with the designer to create a practical budget based on the required items and work to be done, as well as account for quality.  Setting expectations will be incredibly valuable. 

When working with a REALTOR, ISTJs will respect the role of an agent and all the work that they do.  It is important that they know the home buying process, their responsibilities, market conditions, and all the small steps involved so they know what is coming and how they can help.  ISTJs are list-makers and will have a prioritized list of wishes and needs, as well as specific homes they've researched and would like to see.  While it may take a few home tours, once they see something they like, they will be quick to act and confident in their offer.  It is important ISTJs have someone who can help them envision the space beyond how it is presented- whether that is the current owner's decorating style or a floor plan for new construction. depending on how comfortable they are with visualization, 3D thinking, and conceptualization.  ISTJs will definitely take charge, but the process will be well organized with all required documentation readily available with necessary tasks planned and scheduled well in advance.

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